Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Goals: Becoming specific about what we want to do with our lives

I have been thinking lately that it must seem to others that I do not have specific goals or a plan for my life because my interests and skills are so varied.  This is not true of course, it got me thinking though that perhaps somewhere I should put in writing, not for the benefit of anyone but myself,  what those goals are.  If for no other reason than to put them into the law.  To say to the Universe "this is what I want to achieve".  So here it is.

I am trained as a massage practitioner, a hypnotherapist, a Reiki master, grief counselor and a death midwife / end of life facilitator.  At first glance, it may seem as if I could not make up my mind.  Not so.  I have always known that I wanted to be a healer.  All of the areas of expertise named above are methods that allow me to help facilitate healing;  from cradle to grave.

(image by www.butlerpartyof3.com)

My goal in life is to work with people, no matter what age, to help them master their experiences.  To assist their healing from injuries to their bodies, minds and spirits.  To help them start living again after something devastates their life.  Simple, a healer, that is my goal.  It is my desire that the Universe send me anyone who can benefit from my abilities.

So, I pose a question to you.  What is your goal in life?  Have you met that goal yet?  Are you close?  Please comment below as to where you are in the realization of what you desire to do with your life.  Start the chain of events. 


You may contact me directly through one of my Facebook pages:

Or one of my Websites:


  1. I would love to read your thoughts. Please comment on your goals below. Make the shift to brings dreams into reality.

  2. Your words make me realize that I need to sit down and write down my goals.
