Within Hypnotherapy and other modalities there is a technique called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This is a technique in which language (speech and body) are used to specifically communicate what is desired. For example, you state what is wanted instead of what is NOT wanted. "I don't want to be fat" becomes "I am at MY most perfect and healthy weight". Our minds do not process negative statements the way you would expect. By using words like "don't, can't, try and but" (which you should eliminate from your vocabulary) your mind gets confused and instead hears the sentence without the negative attached to it; "I don't want to be fat" is heard as "I want to be fat".
(Image byhowtohypnotizesomeonesafely.com)
(Image bychipsifraternity.wordpress.com)
Hypnosis is a remarkable way to assist you in your goal achievement. Through the use of techniques such as Anchoring the practitioner can give you physical cues that will reinforce the positive changes that you desire to create for yourself. Your dreams can become a reality. (Except for winning the lottery, still attempting to perfect this ... ;-) )
If you would like to discuss how Hypnosis can help you attain success, you can contact me through one of the means below with questions.
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